July 3, 2008...5:05 pm

What The F**K is Social Media

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Pardon my French, but that’s the title of a really great presentation put together by Marta Z. Kagan, social media evangelist and online marketing professional.

Check out the great statistics on social media participation, connectivity and the comparisons to ROI for traditional advertising — Yikes!

The link to the original post on SlideShare can be found here: http://www.slideshare.net/mzkagan/what-the-fk-social-media

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  • fantastic.

  • Absolutely brilliant, wish I F##king well thought of it.

  • Wow.
    That’s brilliant.

  • simply awesome

  • Twitterpated — e n d p o s i t i o n

    [...] leave you with a cool slideshow on social media I ran across (thanks to Chris Brogan for Tweeting this up, and Shannon Paul, whom he got it [...]

  • Fantastic, and still amazes me how many savvy business leaders must be dragged (kicking and screaming) into ‘the conversation’ given the clear upside.

  • That must be one of the best presentations on Social Media that I have seen in a very very long time.

  • I usually HATE slide presentations because they don’t f**king commnunicate anything, but this is Fabulous! Thanks, I’m passing it around.

  • Bookmarks am 04.07.2008 | TQUWiki

    [...] What The F**K is Social Media Pardon my French, but that’s the title of a really great presentation put together by Marta Z. Kagan, social media evangelist and online marketing professional. Check out the great statistics on social media participation, connectivity and the compariso (Stichworte: social_media presentation) [...]

  • Shannon, thanks for sharing the presentation – and thanks to all for the great feedback. Scott – the ‘kicking & screaming’ issue is exactly why I put this deck together. Hope it helps convert a few members of the Resistance ;).

  • Nice presentation. Good content. Would love to share with the firm and even the message with clients. Can do without the language though. It doesn’t really help push the message.

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  • Great! Social media has become a very important factor in marketing today..

    Ralph DeLuca
    Madison, NJ

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