
Shannon Paul works as the community manager for PEAK6 Online, parent company of OptionsHouse, OptionsNewsNetwork (ONN.tv), and WeSeed. Here she oversees the integration of social media communication into PR and marketing strategies for the company’s three brands, including an online retail stock and options broker, a web-based options news and education site, and a virtual stock market game that allows people to learn about the stock market in a fun way through investing in virtual stock portfolios.

Before joining PEAK6 she worked in New Media with the NHL Detroit Red Wings where was responsible for creating and implementing the team’s social media strategy. During her tenure she also worked closely with the NHL to inform its understanding and integration of social media from a league level.

Shannon is a Detroit native, karaoke fiend, and a recent Seattle transplant. She lives in the heart of Seattle’s Belltown neighborhood with her husband, Adam.

The ideas and opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to her and do not reflect the views of her employer or colleagues. Shannon is so consumed by communications issues, information in general, social media and current events that she hardly ever remembers to pick up the dry cleaning or renew insurance contracts. She also enjoys writing about herself in the third person even though she would never speak this way.

Contact Information:
(206) 659-8238


  • Great website. Love the marketing tips and social media bit!

  • Stumbled across your blog, good stuff. Curious what agency you work for as I’m from MI but transplanted myself in SF, Calif. for work in tech PR. :) you can email me offline, if you like. (or not). cheers!

  • Hi Shannon– I spent some time on your blog and find it very interesting especially about social networking. Would love for you to check out my site called Beautiful Stranger.tv. We stop real people on the street and find out what they are using, wearing, loving. We find and interview the influencers on the streets around the world and are starting to work with many of the big consumer brands and companies for them to connect as well. Can’t wait to hear what you think. Best, abby

  • The Red Wings are the only hockey team to which I’m loyal! And the Toledo Storm (where I’m from), but that’s almost the same thing ;)

  • Congrats to Shannon for being listed by Chris Brogan as one of 8 bloggers to watch in 2009! http://is.gd/d9uL

    Having met Shannon and working briefly with her at Startup Weekend Ann Arbor, she’s a diamond in the rough and brings a breath of fresh air to Detroit. I look forward to more great content and comments from Shannon.

  • Love your blog and writing style….even if you are affiliated with the Red Wings. :-) Seriously, really good stuff.

    And Happy New Year from a lifelong Blackhawks fan.

    Incidentally, you might enjoy my current post on the upcoming Winter Classic between our fair teams. You can find it on my blog or the Chicago Sun-Times @ http://tinyurl.com/9uzt55

  • Społeczne media to nie “narzędzia” | mitu - marketing, internet, trendy, użytkownicy

    [...] Shannon Paul przestrzega na swoim blogu przed traktowaniem społecznych mediów jako “narzędzi” . Popieram. [...]

  • Persuasive Picks for the week of 01/25/09 : PerkettPRsuasion - The PerkettPR Blog

    [...] blogs matter “Q: Who reads blogs? A: Journalists”; Shannon Paul delivers another thought provoking post that shows why blogs might just be the ultimate tool in [...]

  • hehe, nice closing sentence. :)

  • I am a social media addict. like you I have a public relations background and what i read here convinced me you have a depth in the area of your expertise. keep it up.

  • Getting past the fear of the unknown in social media | PURE COOKE

    [...] social media.  In this blog, “Fear and Loathing in the Stock Market and Social Media”, Shannon Paul talks about the similarities between the stock market and social media and how ignorance, greed, [...]

  • Hi Shannon, regarding your tweet about Vocus reps not commenting on blogs, we’re instructed not to. We see everyone’s comments however through our software. Just an FYI. Hope all is well.

  • Hello! “God Sommer” as we say in Norwegian, literary meaning have a good summer, which is what we made a stop motion animation about: http://www.m-l.no/sommer09/
    Maybe its something to consider for your blog?

  • Comet Branding Radio: The evolution from a PR to social media state of mind | Comet Branding Blog - Progressive Milwaukee-based Branding, PR and Social Media Agency

    [...] Wednesday, July 1st at 11:00 a.m. Central, we will speak with Shannon Paul about how she evolved from a PR pro to a social media strategist and if/how more people will need [...]

  • Persuasive Picks for the Week of 06/28/09 : PerkettPRsuasion - The PerkettPR Blog

    [...] Marketing for Beginners Shannon Paul applies a fun “red light, green light, yellow light” approach to the basics of [...]

  • Nice last line :-)

  • Sponsored Conversations & What It Means for Businesses « #SocialMedia Blog

    [...] week’s moderator, Shannon Paul certainly has her hands full with this topic but also has the hands on experience to lead us through [...]

  • I just read your article on feedback – September 2009. I was wondering if I could have your permission to reprint this article on my newsletter Think Forward(R) in January? I have about 5,000 subscribers and this would concide wonderfully with the expert podcast interview I have running that month.

    In addition, I am looking for five strong female bloggers who might want to work with me on the launch of my new book “Hitting Our Stride: Women, Work and What Matters”. The launch is scheduled for Nov 1. I look forward to hearing back from you!
    Thank you!
    Karel Murray


  • PR and Corporate communications from above the chaos.

    [...] what the opportunity means to me personally. I have the opportunity to sit on a panel alongside Shannon Paul, Mark Story and a special guest I’ll reveal later. For those of you that don’t know, [...]

  • Have a blog? 6 Tips to Help You Keep Your Day Job | New Media Review

    [...] own and do not reflect the opinions of your employer or coworkers. Here are a few examples from Shannon Paul and Lindsay [...]

  • Best Blogs Ever » Blog Archive » shannan paul’s very official blog

    [...] shannan paul’s very official blog this blog provides really insightful opinion on the world of social media. It should as its written by someone who works for PEAK6 (click on the link and enjoy the photo!) overseeing the integration of social media into PR and marketing. Shannan is yet another great online writer who is a woman, I don’t say this with surprise more in a sense of “come on you guys”. It seems to me that men are being left behind in the writing and opinion stakes online. Surely we are not simply relegated to the under the hood (bonnet if in the UK) talks of the technical stuff. Is it the case that a woman’s advanced sense and willingness to communicate gives them the upper hand in all things social media? this from her own about page: Shannon Paul works as the communications manager for PEAK6 Online, parent company of OptionsHouse.com, OptionsNewsNetwork (ONN.tv), and WeSeed.com. Here she oversees the integration of social media communication into PR and marketing strategies for the company’s three brands, including an online retail stock and options broker, a web-based options news and education site, and an online community that allows people to learn about the stock market through investing in virtual stock portfolios. [...]

  • Shannon,
    My son’s a serious computer administrator-programming whiz at UM-Ann Arbor.
    I anchored TV news in Michigan.
    I admire Brandi Carlile of Ravensdale (Seattle) – she’s huge in Boulder-Denver, Colo., where I am.

    Bottom Line:
    I’d love a Coney Island from Detroit. Can you help?

    P.S. Of course, I admire your stuff. So, I’d find invigorating a point-counterpoint on any stock/chart of your choice. Try me!

  • How My iPhone and Twitter Apps 1UPd My Twidiction « PixelBits

    [...] more importantly, my friend Shannon is correct when she says: “Tweets are like farts in the wind.”  As in, Tweets come, [...]


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