I gave a presentation last night to a great group of people up near Saginaw, Michigan who have started the local Great Lakes Bay area Social Media Club chapter. This is the thing I’ve been really thinking about trying to capture — not how to use any particular social tool, but how to go about getting the support to use them; how to think and communicate strategically so everyone understands, at least from a visceral level, what I am trying to accomplish by making room for social media.
I realize there are probably several gaps in this presentation and I consider it a work in progress, but I would love your feedback in order to help others working and/or struggling, along this same path.
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Thanks for coming out last night. Your presentation was great and we were happy you were able to stick around for a bit to meet our members.
Hey Rachel,
Thanks for organizing and asking me to speak. You have a great group up there!
Nice presentation Shannon. I agree with you regarding the need to convince and demonstrate the need to integrate a companies social media tools, using a well thought out strategy including goals as the guiding light. The companies I work with are all so eager to “get a Facebook page”, “get a blog”, “open a Twitter account” yet there is nothing connecting these all together. Most companies have large email databases and well designed websites yet fail to incorporate even the simpliest viral sharing techniques.
In my opinion, the need to properly implement a well constructed social media strategy, content strategy (and even the ability to optimize their social media content) will be the greatest need for marketers in 2011.
I think after business have realized the importance of co-ordination inside the company structure to spread more about their business via social networks, they have started facilitating the exchange of communication and ideas across the internal staff audience more. What do you think?
Great presentation Shannon. Revolution can’t be brought in the organization by a specific group or management, it is a team work collectively that turn out in the form of success of the organization. That is why, not a single business can refuse the importance of social media in the success of business.
Its a great presentation regarding change in your organization to support social media integration.This is a powerful milestone in the maturation of new media and business.Social Media Marketing is exhilarating to behold as it evolves media from a broadcast platform to a sophisticated network of connections and rewarding engagement.
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