Public relations

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] Last week I wrote about the importance of showing up for companies looking to market with social media. In this post I talked about a type of catch 22 many companies face as they enter this space: “…social media and tech audiences aren’t interested in hearing sanitized positioning statements from an official […]

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The Doppler Effect and Other Bad Advice

by Shannon Paul on September 8, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] The worst advice I ever received working in PR was a communication technique called the “Doppler Effect”. The story goes like this; a senior professional I worked with at the time was preparing me for a meeting with one of our clients. Rather than delivering an accurate update on the account, she […]

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Don't Take This the Wrong Way

by Shannon Paul on September 7, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] Identifying and Responding to Criticism Even When it’s Dressed to Look Like Feedback Criticism and feedback are not synonyms. They each have very different meanings and implications and require a different approach if you’re responding in a professional capacity within the social web. Yes, feedback can be critical and it’s possible someone […]

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How Important is Having Social Media in Your Title?

by Shannon Paul on July 16, 2009

Having the words “social media” in one’s job title creates confusion in the workplace. Social media is not a vocation, but rather a set of tools and tactics to accomplish business goals.

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Global, social, ubiquitous and cheap

by Shannon Paul on July 4, 2009

Tweet That’s how Clay Shirky describes media in the 21st century in this fascinating TED talk titled, How Social Media Can Make History: Side note: If you’re in PR and you’re still trying to find a magic bullet that lets you avoid talking to people on an individual basis – even if they don’t quite […]

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Tweet What our fear of the stock market can teach us about resistance to social media integration Sounds crazy, I know. But, many of the same things that prevent businesses from getting social are the same things that prevent people from investing in the stock market. Maybe I’m oversimplifying things a bit, but I think […]

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Humanizing brands?

by Shannon Paul on April 19, 2009

Tweet To me, humanizing a business symbolizes aligning what it means to be a good human with what it means to be a good business, not just putting a face on an organization or dusting off the creative elements of an old brand, but emphasizing the importance of humanity within the institution. However, do any […]

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Tweet Yesterday I wrote a post here about receiving a PR pitch in a blog comment from a representative of a skin/haircare company called Yes to Carrots titled, PR pitches disguised as blog comments make me feel so dirty. In an interesting turn of events, I received a phone call this morning from the person […]

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Tweet Yesterday I received a pitch in the comments section of one of my recent posts. I’ve received pitches like this in the past and I’ve generally ignored them. However, this one in particular was upsetting for a few reasons: 1. It was for a product that I already like, but now I would be […]

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Why blogs matter

by Shannon Paul on January 24, 2009

Tweet Amazingly enough, I can’t tell you how many glazed over looks I still receive when I tell people that social media is not about how many networks you can list, nor is it about throwing up a profile on a social network like you did with your website 12 years ago. It’s not necessarily […]

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