My #blogmonday Contribution

by Shannon Paul on May 18, 2009

Mark Story tagged me in his #blogmonday post along with Jackie Peters and Jonathan Trenn in an effort to force us to dole out some link love to some “hidden gems” in the blogosphere.

So, here are some gems you might not know about:

Natasha Wescoat
Natasha is an artist who does a great job of leveraging social media to make a living as an artist. She’s also a bit of a nomad and her blog is a fun way to keep track of her whereabouts. She’s also an incredibly sweet person online and offline.

Ken Burbary
Ken is super smart. He writes mostly about social media and other web-based stuff, but it’s never the me-too sort of stuff so many are putting out. In fact, I wish he would write more often. ;-)

Dirk Singer
Dirk is the principal voice of News from the Herd, the blog for London/Cape Town-based agency, Cow Digital. Dirk touches on everything from digital PR and mobile technology to advertising and social media. He’s not afraid to be critical of bad strategy and practices, but he doesn’t resort to some of the usual foolishness. He’s a class act and he has a firm grasp on the pulse of the industry.

Stuart Foster
Stuart writes about PR, marketing and social media. He has a very down-to-earth approach to all of this stuff, yet manages to entertain and make me rethink some of the things I thought I had all figured out.

Culture of None
Adam Paul (yes, my husband) writes about and posts rare and obscure music for download. His posts range from Eminem’s teenage basement recordings to late 80s hardcore. Plus there’s plenty of how-to stuff as well.

I know there are so many people doing really interesting things out there. Please, feel free to add to this list. Who would you add to #blogmonday?
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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

May 18, 2009 Mark Story 1

Thanks, Shannon.

I hope I didn’t twist your arm too hard..

But thanks so much for participating.



May 18, 2009 Shannon Paul 2

It was relatively painless. I’ll forgive you someday ;-)


May 18, 2009 Stuart Foster 3

Badass :). Thanks for the mention Shannon and I really like the idea/meme that has been created here. Lots of awesome people are out there…they just need a little bit more publicity.


May 28, 2009 Jamie Favreau 4

Thanks for the blog suggestions!


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  • My #blogmonday Love « Natasha’s Art Candy May 18, 2009

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