by Shannon Paul on March 19, 2010
Last month I was part of a panel discussion for a Social Media Club Chicago event alongside Leslie Banks and Drew Metherd from Morningstar, Inc. The topic of the event was centered around how companies in the financial space are using social media — some of the challenges we face specifically in this industry. In [...]
by Shannon Paul on April 10, 2009
There have been a lot of exciting things going on for me behind the scenes, but I’m glad to say I can finally share what’s been going on for me with you. This week I started a new job as a Social Media Specialist for PEAK6 Online. For those of you who don’t know, PEAK6 [...]
by Shannon Paul on March 20, 2009
The following is a guest post by Michael Gray. He helps companies with social media and blog projects. Michael has 10 years experience in web development and internet marketing projects, and speaks at numerous industry events and conferences throughout the year. You can read his unconventional blog at or visit his new website [...]
by Shannon Paul on March 11, 2009
True, I stole the title of this post from Jeremy Tanner, but I don’t think he’ll mind too much since we’re speaking on a panel together this weekend at the SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas along with Steve Swedler and Todd Huffman. How Social Networks are Killing the Revolution I know, there’s a lot [...]
by Shannon Paul on March 6, 2009
Ghostwriting has been a common practice in PR since its inception, but it has no place in a blog. I started thinking about this a lot recently after reading Beth Harte’s post on the subject and a subsequent conversation on Twitter with Dave Fleet. Ghostwriting — letters, announcements, speeches, memoirs, presentations became a way of [...]
by Shannon Paul on February 25, 2009
The following is an interview with Michael DiLorenzo, the Director of Corporate Communications with the NHL (National Hockey League), about what he has learned thus far through social media engagement and what he plans to do with what he’s learned. I know he’s really eager to gather some feedback, so please let him (and me) [...]
by Shannon Paul on February 9, 2009
Jim Canterucci decided to dedicate the entire month of February to me over on his site with a four-part Personal Brilliance podcast! Jim dedicates each of the four segments (two are already available for download on his site) to four catalysts to personal brilliance: 1. Awareness 2. Curiosity 3. Focus 4. Initiative He asked me [...]
by Shannon Paul on February 2, 2009
Today the post isn’t here, it’s over on Craig Sutton’s blog. As part of an interview series with people involved in social media, he asked me 5 questions over on his blog. If you’re interested, check it out. And, while you’re there, check out some of the other interviews with Ann Handley, Amber Naslund and [...]
by Shannon Paul on January 19, 2009
Today is a day of reflection for a number of good reasons including the memorial celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as the day before Barack Obama’s presidential inauguration. This morning I’ve seen a lot of links of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous I have a dream… speech, which deserves celebration, being passed [...]
by Shannon Paul on January 8, 2009
Best practices are great when they provide guidelines — but they generally make terrible laws. Theory can only take us so far in the real world and sometimes upping our game means trusting our instincts to get things done. To illustrate my point, I chose to share a video clip with you here after a [...]