Posts tagged as:

Liz Strauss

In Defense of Social Media

by Shannon Paul on August 30, 2009

[tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] I admit it: I’ve shrugged off the idea that I have a personal brand, I’ve decried being labeled a “social media specialist” and my mood has seemed to dictate my level of involvement with any of this much more than any drive to achieve professional success. In some ways I feel badly about [...]


5 Reasons Every Official Team Should Blog

by Shannon Paul on February 11, 2009

The following is a very official guest post from the one and only Liz Strauss. She’s quite possibly one of the wisest people I know when it comes to blogging, social media communications or anything else for that matter, so pay attention! Oh, and thanks. :) Big Voice on the Field, Bigger Voice in the [...]