by Shannon Paul on September 20, 2010
Tweet For so many people nothing feels scarier than opening up yourself and your business to reader comments on a company blog; even seasoned bloggers recognize the difference between blogging for yourself and blogging for your business when faced with the challenge. Over the past couple years, I’ve had several conversations around how to manage […]
by Shannon Paul on September 9, 2010
Tweet I gave a presentation last night to a great group of people up near Saginaw, Michigan who have started the local Great Lakes Bay area Social Media Club chapter. This is the thing I’ve been really thinking about trying to capture — not how to use any particular social tool, but how to go […]
How to Respond to Comments on Your Company Blog
by Shannon Paul on September 20, 2010
Tweet For so many people nothing feels scarier than opening up yourself and your business to reader comments on a company blog; even seasoned bloggers recognize the difference between blogging for yourself and blogging for your business when faced with the challenge. Over the past couple years, I’ve had several conversations around how to manage […]
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