by Shannon Paul on March 28, 2010
Tweet If you think the world is divided into two groups: those who “get” social media and those who don’t, you’re not ready to create change. You’re talking tactics, they’re talking strategy You’re talking output, they’re interested in outcomes You’re interested in social media for its own sake, they’re wondering how the activity will accrue […]
by Shannon Paul on March 19, 2010
Tweet Last month I was part of a panel discussion for a Social Media Club Chicago event alongside Leslie Banks and Drew Metherd from Morningstar, Inc. The topic of the event was centered around how companies in the financial space are using social media — some of the challenges we face specifically in this industry. […]
by Shannon Paul on March 17, 2010
Tweet You know the drill. Just about every buddy cop movie shows the two characters performing the good cop bad cop routine. Parents have even been known to use this same strategy when seeking a confession from their children when they suspect foul play. With good cop bad cop, one person approaches the suspect with […]
by Shannon Paul on March 8, 2010
Tweet Someone recently invited me to participate in a social media conference in a DM (direct message) on Twitter. I said I would be interested, but would need to get approval from my employer and provided my email address in hopes I might use details provided to vet the opportunity. I never did receive an […]
by Shannon Paul on March 2, 2010
Tweet It doesn’t matter whether you love or hate their music, the Grateful Dead might just provide one of the best case studies on fan cultivation and word of mouth marketing ever. Although their success pre-dates widespread use of the Internet and social media, the lack of tools and focus on people, passion and evangelism […]