November 2009

Does Social Networking Threaten Journalistic Integrity?

by Shannon Paul on November 27, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] Given recent updates to the L.A. Times social networking policy for journalists, I can’t help but ask whether or not social media really does threaten journalistic integrity. Here are some of key points in the L.A. Times’ revised social networking policy to consider as outlined in a staff article in Editor & […]

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Looking for ROI in Social Media? Mind Your Metrics

by Shannon Paul on November 23, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] ROI is important for every function in business, but what if it’s measured too hastily? I wrote about social media ROI last week and some of the comments in response to that post highlighted a tendency many have to oversimplify this calculation. Simple is good; overly simple is not. ROI Blah, Blah, […]

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One Reason Not to Hate Twitter's New Retweet Function

by Shannon Paul on November 18, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about Twitter’s recent changes to how individual Retweets, aka RTs, are retweeted, but there is something interesting here to think about. Aside from adding lists, the changes to Retweets are the biggest change to happen to Twitter came since they changed how @replies worked […]

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Social Media ROI and the Last Cookie Conversation

by Shannon Paul on November 12, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] The first push back regarding social media is the dreaded ROI question, right? There’s also been a lot of talk about how conversation and dialogue can’t be measured in terms of revenue too. Maybe that’s true. Or, maybe we’re measuring the wrong things or we’re only capturing part of the picture. Since […]

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