August 12, 2009...7:25 pm

If This Headline Doesn’t Catch Your Attention, I Failed

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Got your attention? Good, but if you want to actually read the post, you’ll have to go over to Brian Solis’ place, PR 2.0.

Brian is a great mentor and friend in the PR/Social Media space and I appreciate his willingness to share my voice with his readers.

Check it out? If This Headline Doesn’t Catch Your Attention, I Failed

Photo of Brian Solis by CC Chapman
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1 Comment

  • Daniel J. Hogan

    Hi Shannon, I had a phone interview for a New Media position with the Red Wings and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about what you did while working for the team.

    Feel free to email me at the address I used to post this comment.

    Also, you are pretty well known around Lansing–I told a few advertising/PR friends around town about the interview and they all mentioned your name and said I should drop you a line.

    Thank you

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