content marketing

Tweet The PR people have always recognized value of partnerships between companies in press releases and stories pitched to the media, but brands rarely think to champion strategic partners via social media the way they might champion consumers. Why is this? Many folks in the B2B space often blame the lack of social media content [...]


3 Ways to Get Great Content From Your Boring Business

by Shannon Paul on January 23, 2011

Tweet Many creative types get frustrated when they work in a B2B situation, or any other industry that may be much less sexy than consumer technology, fashion, sports, or entertainment. Everyone wants to focus on creating the right content — content that will attract positive attention, better SEO and social media viral goodness. But what [...]


Free content makes money

by Shannon Paul on October 12, 2008

Tweet It may seem counterintuitive, but a growing body of evidence supports the argument that free content shared online leads to more people buying your stuff. In the music industry, this realization is finally beginning to take hold, showing even the most frugal bean counters that content distributed free of charge generates more revenue. For [...]