How to Create Organizational Change to Support Social Media Integration for Business

by Shannon Paul

I gave a presentation last night to a great group of people up near Saginaw, Michigan who have started the local Great Lakes Bay area Social Media Club chapter. This is the thing I’ve been really thinking about trying to capture — not how to use any particular social tool, but how to go about [...]

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Stephen Clark’s #Backchannel: Leveraging Twitter in Broadcast Journalism

by Shannon Paul

I don’t normally gush, but if you want an amazing example of a broadcast journalist who truly understands the power of online community, look no further than Stephen Clark’s participation on Twitter. Stephen is a local news anchor in Detroit for ABC affiliate, WXYZ who became very active on Twitter around the same time I was ramping [...]

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How to Socialize User Experience Design: Thinking Outside Your Website

Thumbnail image for How to Socialize User Experience Design: Thinking Outside Your Website by Shannon Paul

Not so very long ago, conversation around user experience with respect to web design centered around the notion of a website as a single destination. A sticky site built around the assumption that visitors always use the front door aka the home page was the basic approach. While many of these elements in a conversation [...]

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Why Do the Most Popular Social Networks Fail to Satisfy Consumers?

Thumbnail image for Why Do the Most Popular Social Networks Fail to Satisfy Consumers? by Shannon Paul

In a recent customer satisfaction report popular sites like Facebook and YouTube fared worse than Wikipedia even though the majority of respondents admitted visiting the other social sites more often. Twitter was notably absent from the data, but (just a guess) may have been included in the “all others” category outside of those sites named [...]

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Why Relevance Trumps Influence in Every Type of Media (Not Just Social)

by Shannon Paul

Despite so much noise about how social media has radically changed the rules of PR and marketing, the fascination with social media influencers is proof of a persistent desire in our industry to take the same old shotgun approach to publicity and dress it up in a new media veneer. In the influencer game, everyone [...]

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Social Media Measurement Should Focus on Outcomes, Not Output

by Shannon Paul

Social media marketing relies more on listening than broadcasting for good reason: Broadcasting doesn’t have the same impact as traditional media channels, and listening helps us measure and adapt to become more relevant to consumers. There’s a great quote from Jim Farley, Ford’s Group V.P. of Global Marketing, contained in the video posted below about [...]

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How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration

by Shannon Paul
Thumbnail image for How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration

The problem with any new function in a business is deciding how it fits with existing operations. This could be the reason we see so many social media programs that operate in a sort of silo apart from other outreach. The following list of questions and resources should provide a comprehensive roadmap for developing a [...]

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8 Ways to Integrate Social Media and Online Advertising

by Shannon Paul

Traditional advertising gets a lot of criticism in the social media space. Many say ads don’t work anymore on an increasingly savvy audience, but what if that’s only part right? Sure, fewer people may actually click, but what if examining the overall effectiveness of campaigns sometimes requires a longer view? What if Impressions Really DO [...]

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How is Being New to Twitter Different in 2010?

by Shannon Paul

I decided to write this simply because SO much has changed since I started using Twitter more than two years ago, and I can’t help thinking getting started must be different now than it was back then. It may be hard to believe, but back in 2008, the biggest celebrities using Twitter were Guy Kawasaki [...]

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A New Role and a Return Home to Detroit

by Shannon Paul

recently accepted a new position as social media manager with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) — and that move means a return home to Detroit.

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