About Shannon Paul

Shannon PaulShannon Paul writes about how social media amplifies and aligns with marketing, public relations and other business objectives.

She has experience creating and implementing social media programs, policies and workflow systems to help businesses participate in the social web.

Shannon is the Social Media Manager at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and her professional experience in social media also includes roles in the professional sports and finance industries.

Despite the Very Official nature of this publication, the thoughts and opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to Shannon.

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Google Voice: (206) 838-1174

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Photo Credit: Brian Solis www.briansolis.com

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{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }

July 25, 2008 nohostbar 1

Great website. Love the marketing tips and social media bit!


August 29, 2008 Jes 2

Stumbled across your blog, good stuff. Curious what agency you work for as I’m from MI but transplanted myself in SF, Calif. for work in tech PR. :) you can email me offline, if you like. (or not). cheers!


November 5, 2008 abby wallach 3

Hi Shannon– I spent some time on your blog and find it very interesting especially about social networking. Would love for you to check out my site called Beautiful Stranger.tv. We stop real people on the street and find out what they are using, wearing, loving. We find and interview the influencers on the streets around the world and are starting to work with many of the big consumer brands and companies for them to connect as well. Can’t wait to hear what you think. Best, abby


November 29, 2008 Fayza 4

The Red Wings are the only hockey team to which I’m loyal! And the Toledo Storm (where I’m from), but that’s almost the same thing ;)


December 23, 2008 Joe M 5

Congrats to Shannon for being listed by Chris Brogan as one of 8 bloggers to watch in 2009! http://is.gd/d9uL

Having met Shannon and working briefly with her at Startup Weekend Ann Arbor, she’s a diamond in the rough and brings a breath of fresh air to Detroit. I look forward to more great content and comments from Shannon.


December 29, 2008 CGabriel 6

Love your blog and writing style….even if you are affiliated with the Red Wings. :-) Seriously, really good stuff.

And Happy New Year from a lifelong Blackhawks fan.

Incidentally, you might enjoy my current post on the upcoming Winter Classic between our fair teams. You can find it on my blog or the Chicago Sun-Times @ http://tinyurl.com/9uzt55


March 13, 2009 julien 7

hehe, nice closing sentence. :)


April 22, 2009 yinka olaito 8

I am a social media addict. like you I have a public relations background and what i read here convinced me you have a depth in the area of your expertise. keep it up.


June 12, 2009 Anonymous 9

Hi Shannon, regarding your tweet about Vocus reps not commenting on blogs, we’re instructed not to. We see everyone’s comments however through our software. Just an FYI. Hope all is well.


June 25, 2009 Melvær 10

Hello! “God Sommer” as we say in Norwegian, literary meaning have a good summer, which is what we made a stop motion animation about: http://www.m-l.no/sommer09/
Maybe its something to consider for your blog?


July 6, 2009 Bas 11

Nice last line :-)


September 10, 2009 Karel Murray 12

I just read your article on feedback – September 2009. I was wondering if I could have your permission to reprint this article on my newsletter Think Forward(R) in January? I have about 5,000 subscribers and this would concide wonderfully with the expert podcast interview I have running that month.

In addition, I am looking for five strong female bloggers who might want to work with me on the launch of my new book “Hitting Our Stride: Women, Work and What Matters”. The launch is scheduled for Nov 1. I look forward to hearing back from you!
Thank you!
Karel Murray



November 27, 2009 Jeff 13

My son’s a serious computer administrator-programming whiz at UM-Ann Arbor.
I anchored TV news in Michigan.
I admire Brandi Carlile of Ravensdale (Seattle) – she’s huge in Boulder-Denver, Colo., where I am.

Bottom Line:
I’d love a Coney Island from Detroit. Can you help?

P.S. Of course, I admire your stuff. So, I’d find invigorating a point-counterpoint on any stock/chart of your choice. Try me!


June 1, 2010 Carol Mann 14

Really interested in your Social Media Planning strategy… it is all a bit random currently! We do the same but for planning websites… before businesses go to a designer they MUST learn their options for consideration and cherry pick the most appropriate for their business. They are not doing this.

We are not designers or developers but business people in business who understand all that ‘stuff’ surrounding the build of a website and how to make it work! (realistically “most of” – as “all” is a tall order and that “all” daily becomes “more”!).

Understanding the Internet and what it can do for a business is a minefield – we help defuse those mines so a business owner / manager can have a clear run and avoid the many headaches and confusions that exist in relationships between businesses and their web building team.


June 1, 2010 Shannon Paul 15

Hi Carol,

My planning strategy is all about alignment and making sure objectives and goals accrue to larger business and functional strategies. Sometimes that leads to putting together requirements for changes to existing websites, or adding on a blog, landing pages, etc. to help people make the transition between their social network, or referring site point of entry.

I agree that a company’s web presence is particularly important and many aren’t treating it with the importance it deserves, or thinking about business objectives they can accomplish via the web. Glad to hear you’re helping some bridge the gap between development and business needs.


June 28, 2010 pam perry 16

congrats..welcome back to motown. It’s on it’s way to a comeback!


October 10, 2010 David Yorka 17

Thank You Shannon for “makin it pain”–you have a no-nonsense delivery that is very refreshing. I am sure to borrow a couple of concepts in communicating what I do to customers. I am thrilled to finally get to your blog.

Community Action Hero David Yorka


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