May 2010

Tweet Traditional advertising gets a lot of criticism in the social media space. Many say ads don’t work anymore on an increasingly savvy audience, but what if that’s only part right? Sure, fewer people may actually click, but what if examining the overall effectiveness of campaigns sometimes requires a longer view? What if Impressions Really […]

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How is Being New to Twitter Different in 2010?

by Shannon Paul on May 16, 2010

Tweet I decided to write this simply because SO much has changed since I started using Twitter more than two years ago, and I can’t help thinking getting started must be different now than it was back then. It may be hard to believe, but back in 2008, the biggest celebrities using Twitter were Guy […]

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A New Role and a Return Home to Detroit

by Shannon Paul on May 10, 2010

recently accepted a new position as social media manager with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) — and that move means a return home to Detroit.

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