September 2009

Guru Say What?

by Shannon Paul on September 22, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] Let’s do an exercise where you fill in the blanks: Social media gurus say ____________, but I think _________________. I see and hear this all the time and I’m going on the record to denounce this as intellectually lazy and even a bit cowardly. Who are You Calling a Guru? Believe it […]

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Semper Fi Link or Die

by Shannon Paul on September 12, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] Without links, the Internet would simply be content without context. Before the advent of search engines, the first blogs weren’t much more than a simple collection of vetted links. Whether we realize it or not – this forever changed the way we consume information. The interesting thing is, even though I’ve been […]

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The Doppler Effect and Other Bad Advice

by Shannon Paul on September 8, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] The worst advice I ever received working in PR was a communication technique called the “Doppler Effect”. The story goes like this; a senior professional I worked with at the time was preparing me for a meeting with one of our clients. Rather than delivering an accurate update on the account, she […]

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Don't Take This the Wrong Way

by Shannon Paul on September 7, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] Identifying and Responding to Criticism Even When it’s Dressed to Look Like Feedback Criticism and feedback are not synonyms. They each have very different meanings and implications and require a different approach if you’re responding in a professional capacity within the social web. Yes, feedback can be critical and it’s possible someone […]

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What Happens When Breaking News Doesn't Come From the News

by Shannon Paul on September 1, 2009

Tweet [tweetmeme source=”@shannonpaul”] It was a pretty exciting morning for me – one of the companies I work with at PEAK6 Online,, actually broke an important financial news story this morning on its site about increased margin requirements for a specialized type of investment called leveraged ETFs. If you’re curious, you can check out […]

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