February 2009

Social Media Q&A with the NHL's Michael DiLorenzo

by Shannon Paul on February 25, 2009

Tweet The following is an interview with Michael DiLorenzo, the Director of Corporate Communications with the NHL (National Hockey League), about what he has learned thus far through social media engagement and what he plans to do with what he’s learned. I know he’s really eager to gather some feedback, so please let him (and […]

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My definition of social marketing in 100 words or less

by Shannon Paul on February 18, 2009

Tweet Aaron Strout, a highly regarded social media marketer and all around smart guy, issued the social marketing challenge over on his blog: Define social marketing in 100 words or less. There were a lot of great (and humorous) entries, but he and his colleagues, aka the judges, selected the one I entered as the […]

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Tweet There. I said it. Should YOUR company blog? It depends. Should YOUR company have a Facebook page? It depends. Should YOUR company be on Twitter? It depends. If YOUR company IS on Twitter, should it be a person or a brand? It depends. ANYONE who says they know the answers to these questions without […]

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5 Reasons Every Official Team Should Blog

by Shannon Paul on February 11, 2009

Tweet The following is a very official guest post from the one and only Liz Strauss. She’s quite possibly one of the wisest people I know when it comes to blogging, social media communications or anything else for that matter, so pay attention! Oh, and thanks. :) Big Voice on the Field, Bigger Voice in […]

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Personal Brilliance Podcast

by Shannon Paul on February 9, 2009

Tweet Jim Canterucci decided to dedicate the entire month of February to me over on his site with a four-part Personal Brilliance podcast! Jim dedicates each of the four segments (two are already available for download on his site) to four catalysts to personal brilliance: 1. Awareness 2. Curiosity 3. Focus 4. Initiative He asked […]

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Resources for University 2.0

by Shannon Paul on February 2, 2009

Tweet Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to talk to a group of students in Dr. William Ward‘s class at Ferris State University about using social media tools in marketing research. Since visiting the class, I’ve been thinking a lot about how educators deal with the challenges of teaching students social media […]

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5 Questions with… Me

by Shannon Paul on February 2, 2009

Tweet Today the post isn’t here, it’s over on Craig Sutton’s blog. As part of an interview series with people involved in social media, he asked me 5 questions over on his blog. If you’re interested, check it out. And, while you’re there, check out some of the other interviews with Ann Handley, Amber Naslund […]

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